
Specialized site for Developers

Welcome to Casso Developer

There is where you can find all the documentation, tutorials, and resources for programming your software integration with Casso.

Casso was born with the DNA of security, automation, and unlimited integration. We consider integration as the core value of our product. Therefore, we have developed Casso as providing a variety of ways to connect with other software systems, serving many different purposes.

Integration methods



  • Configure an additional webhook on the Casso interface.

  • Authentication Mechanism of OAuth 2 allows End-users to automatically authorize Developers to access their account information at Casso.

  • After the users complete the authorization process on the Developer's software, an Auth Code will be automatically generated.

The first two methods are for End-users: businesses and individuals who used Casso software to serve their revenue and expenditure management needs, and now need to integrate Casso into other software systems that enterprises are also using.

The OAuth 2 method is for enterprise software developers who want to integrate Casso to give users the option of linking Casso accounts into the software.

Expected Plan

Besides the above 3 built-in methods, we are also working on implementing the 4th method, which is developing a set of integrated libraries similar to Plaid for Vietnam, provided to software developers as source code libraries.

This set of libraries will help these partners develop the functionality of linking users' banks into their software, in a secure and simple way. Users will not need to create an account with Casso, just link banks right on the Developer's web and app. And Developers do not need to worry about the security of user accounts and data.

We expect to launch officially in early 2022. Please get in touch if you are interested in participating in our Beta Test program.

Last updated